Posted in Uplifting

What Challenge

Wednesday’s word/phrase is what challenge.

Challenge as a noun is “a call to take part in a contrast or competition…”

Sometimes I think my middle name should have been “challenge”and I’m sure my family and friends that read my blog would agree that for  unless there is a challenge to it I just don’t seem to want it. This is something that I’m working to not thrive on as much but to embrace the “simple”.

So when I embarked on the challenge of motherhood I in my normal fashion went head over heals loving it. I am so grateful for this challenge. Not only did I have a girl and a boy but they have such big bold personalities night and day from each other. One has such a gentle sweet soul as life’s hall monitor with checks and balances even putting themselves on time out. The other is full of charisma and push the envelope kind of soul walking still sitting but holding the time out chair.

Yes the challenge of motherhood with each one of my special children that are now young adults making me so very proud of them. This challenge is not over but changed a bit but I am so grateful for!

Posted in Uplifting

What Tradition

Tuesday’s word is what tradition am I grateful.

I have some traditions from childhood to now that I really enjoy and still do but the one that I am grateful for today is every Christmas eve my children and I would make up the plate for Santa set it out with their little notes by the fireplace. I then would light candles and the tree.

Settling down with our carol/hymn book we then would sing acappella song after song to our hearts content. I am not saying I can hold a tune or that anyone would want to hear me sing  but to hold the book being sandwiched by my children life couldn’t have gotten sweeter.

After we sang “The Night Before Christmas” would be read and of course off to bed with the lie of Santa won’t stop if your not asleep.

Thinking back this is a tradition I am so grateful for and as the truth of Santa was found out the plate for Santa was then enjoyed by all but I was blessed to sing and read  with my children over the years even to senior year.

Posted in Uplifting

What story

Mondays word on my gratitude journey is what story.

I pick one from my childhood, one  I loved to read and still do with my grandson.  It’s “Brighty of the Grand Canyon” by Marguerite Henry.

If you have never read it you are missing out on a story of a prospector befriending a wild burro showing that friendship can come in all types.

It leads you on the adventures of the Grand Canyon in a time of explorers and freespirits. You will find it teaches you that you can enjoy someone without changing them but instead accepting them is what makes the sweetest of friendship. That love and friendship offer such a beautiful blessing and is so worth it even with the heartache of loss.

I am grateful to have read this book. It will always be one of my all time favorites.


Posted in Uplifting

What song

What song? I think of what song I am grateful for today.

Wow this is a tuffy because just in one days time from the moment my eyes open until they close. I will have so many running around in my head that only a quarter of them will I sing, I’m sure those around me wishe not even that much are sung.

Maybe you have to be in a certain age bracket but I pick  Survivor’s “The Eye Of The Tiger”, now this might seem a strange song to be grateful for but I am. Yes I love the Rocky movies but this song resonates with me and gets me going.

“Rising up, back on the streets did my time, took my chances. Went the distance, now I’m back on my feet….” the song goes on from there.

In short to me it’s an anthem on overcoming challenges, yes even the famous start to this song I can’t help but dance a long as it always brings a smile to my face, I’m so grateful for.


Posted in Uplifting

Who in my life

Today’s phrase is from Saturday journal on my journey to gratitude. I am behind on blogging but not on writing or thinking on it.

I have so many in my life that would fit this but one is at the top of my list and will always be my number one in my life.

Jesus, is the who in my life. He is my why, my strength when I’m at the brink. The one and only who will never let me down. The older I get the more I realize this. I realize that He sees my value and worth, has a plan for just me because I’m special. He knows my strengths and weaknesses. He loves me through them, giving grace and showing me by his example of how to live and treat others. Gandhi once said” he liked our Christ but not our Christian’s. Christian’s are so unlike our Christ.”

Ouch! What a sad but sometimes true statement.

I do not want to live giving my Jesus a bad name but instead show by example that grace is given to the most undeserving, love even my enemies Showing that all life matters.


Posted in Uplifting


Today’s word touch.

I knew in a instant what touch I’m grateful for today. To come into contact with, is one of the meaning of touch.

To touch my children’s hand. The first time I felt their little hand with all five fingers wrap around my finger with such strength I was amazed that one so little had such strength. From that moment on I have been blessed to continue holding their hands as they grew. Now their hands are my size and bigger no longer just holding onto my finger but that doesn’t make it any less of a bond, if anything it is more. My hands look more and more like my mother’s as I notice my daughter’s look more like mine did. My son’s hands have lost the boyish look and are now a man’s. How time has touched our lives and marches on but the feeling of my children’s hands in mine will always be what I’m grateful for.


Posted in Uplifting

Piece of art

IMG_20160804_0944152_rewind I am grateful for this beautiful piece of art.

I look at this  painting and see my daughter who painted this in high school. Not only is this technique hard to do but she painted it for me with such love. At a time in a lot of teens life when they “hate” their parents she made this and brought it home to me. I had thought the years of art work  coming home would have stopped but no I have had a continuous stream, how blessed I am.

I look at this and think I am so honored to be apart of her life to be her mom. She has added so much to my life that my cup overflows.


Posted in Uplifting


Today’s word is knowledge.

There is a difference in knowledge and wisdom. To quote T S Elliot

“Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost  information?”

So if knowledge is learning/ education or could be said the facts then wisdom is the practice or day to day experience. I will have to say that the knowledge I am grateful for is in healthcare. With this knowledge I was able to reach my childhood goal in working in this field. It has helped me  take care of my family and use some of my talents.

I am grateful for the my knowledge but also the ability to feel as I used  education to reach out and help others.

Posted in Uplifting

What about my body am I grateful for.

Today is more of a phrase than a word, just thinking of what about my body I am grateful for is a little hard but here I go.

With the blessing of getting older I have the opportunity to reflect on how wonderfully we are made. To be mindful of each moving and sometimes not so moving part. It’s hard to pick one but for me this morning I am so thankful for my knees. These wonderful joints  I sometimes over look until I hurt one are amazing.

As I sat and turned to get out of my bed I looked at my legs hanging over and thanks to my knees (my modified hinge joint) they are hanging over bent.

What a wonderful blessing to be able to move my lower and upper leg with minimal effort. Sometimes I am reminded that years of running have put my poor knees to the test but I am so thankful for them.

Posted in Uplifting


Yesterday’s word was season.

My youngest grandson turned the big two yesterday. I was busy, so writing Sunday and as well as Monday’s word was just not in the cards so to speak but I did think on my word and knew that today would be calmer and my writing would get done.

Even with the fun and busyness of yesterday I was thinking that I am so thankful for the season of Autumn. This season that begins in the end of September and continues to December is so full of beauty and change. It’s in the  middle of summer and a long winter.

As a girl I didn’t see or appreciate the awesomeness this season has. I looked at it more as back to school and pretty leaves that would fall so I could make fun piles to jump in.

This transition is gradual. It offers a slow but steady and welcome decline in temperatures. With the temperature changing I get a chance to dress in clothing  I had to put a side. The days of BBQ are disappearing giving way  to soups/stews and wonderful chilie. The nights are cooler and  as I do  my evening walks I hear the crunch of the leaves under my feet as trees slowly start to change and drop their leaves that gave me shade from the hot sun now give way to such beautiful colors.

Fall foliage is such a spectacular sight! I am so thankful for this wonderful season.