Posted in Uplifting

The Body Snachers

For the last few years off and on I have found my self in what I can only describe as the 1950s movie The Body Snatchers. I have gone from my normal easy-going bubbly happy-go-lucky person to in brief moments of insanity becoming a conformational angry let you have it kind of person with no mercy.

I will give you an example, the other day I was singing and driving along when out of no place a car comes into my lane cutting me off and almost hitting me. Now normally I would just me grateful to have come out unscathed but no I acted like a crazed person yelling and giving  jesters that should not be used when driving, my mouth did not stop yelling angry words for minutes.  When I did take a breath I felt instant sham of my behavior. I continued driving all the while behind the person that cut me off and almost hit me and not only did they drive to the same store but parked right by me. I took longer to get out of the car because I felt horrible and just didn’t want to have to admit my wrong. I finally got out and walked up to the store but I didn’t get far because when I looked up I saw a white hair man who could hardly walk waiting for me. He smiled and apologized for almost causing an accident. Swallowing the piece of humble pie I apologized.

I will never forget that life lesson.

I know I am not alone with my actions of anger. In fact it seems that the whole world is at times nothing but anger. What if one by one we decide not to hold onto our anger and let anger rule but we start taking ownership of our anger and our actions. For every time we say or act unkind out of anger we continue the hurt and suffering of ourselves and others.

A quote that I like by an anonymous person is so true.

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”



Hi, I'm Gwyn a entrepreneur, mom of 2 and a grandma of 2! I had been married for a long time to an abusive alcoholic, this left me feeling broken and forgetting who I really was. I started gwyns day 1 as a way for me to share the awesome way God can heal, restore and give a wonderful life full of purpose and joy. My greatest passion is my family but also helping others . With this blog I hope to share uplifting quotes and stories for a healthy mind body and soul life style, as well as fun with crafts and recipes. Here is my mantra and the whole reason for the name of this blog, what a great reminder that every day is a brand new day we can start fresh and do better. Day One Matthew West from the album Live Forever Buy on Amazon | iTunes

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