Posted in Uncategorized, Uplifting

Storms of Life

I find it interesting that April is national stress awareness month, and in this same month “April showers bring May flowers” is a saying that goes back years. Perhaps that’s why its national stress awareness month because it’s during these months of showers that can make it hard to appreciate those showers for what they are. Instead, it’s easy to feel dreary and gloomy as the rain seems to never end. But don’t let the rainy days get you down, there are plenty of ways to brighten up your day even when the sun isn’t shining.

One way to beat those rainy-day blues is by embracing a cozy and relaxing atmosphere inside your home. Light some candles, put on your favorite music or movie, and cuddle up with a warm blanket and a cup of tea or hot cocoa. Take this opportunity to unwind and enjoy some quiet time to yourself or with loved ones.

Another way to make the most out of those rainy days is by indulging in some self-care activities. Take a long bath with soothing bath salts, give yourself a manicure or pedicure, or do a face mask. These small acts of self-care can help boost your mood and make you feel rejuvenated.

If you’re feeling adventurous, put on some rain boots and a raincoat and head outside for a walk. The rain can make everything feel fresh and alive, so take this chance to appreciate nature in all its wet glory. You can also use this time to try out some rainy day photography or have fun jumping in puddles like when you were a kid.

For those who prefer to stay indoors, why not pick up a new hobby or tackle that project you’ve been putting off? Whether it’s painting, writing, cooking, or organizing your closet, the rainy days provide the perfect opportunity to focus on something new or finish a task you’ve been wanting to complete.

Another great way to spend a rainy day is by catching up on your favorite TV shows or movies. Make yourself some popcorn, get cozy under a blanket, and binge-watch that series you’ve been meaning to start. Or maybe it’s time for a movie marathon of all your childhood favorites. Either way, taking some time to relax and indulge in some screen time can be just what you need on a rainy day.

Just like flipping the script when it comes to how you look at these rainy days of spring that are upon us you can flip it for the rainy days of trials that come into our lives. Like the rain that bring the spring flowers. The problems in our life can bring times when all we see are the problems with no hope for the sun or flowers that come latter. I like to think of these dark times as a time for growth.

It’s during these difficult moments that we are forced to face our fears and challenges head on, and in doing so, we learn more about ourselves and our strengths. I learn more about God and His comfort. Just like the rain nourishes the flowers, our trials can nourish our character and make us stronger.

But it’s also important to remember that we don’t have to go through these rainy days alone. Just as you may gather with loved ones on a rainy day indoors, reach out to friends or family for support during tough times. Talking through your problems with someone else can provide a different perspective and help you find solutions that may not have been clear before.

So, on these rainy April days lean into God and your support system, if you don’t have one it can be scary to find one, but it is so needed. That way we can enjoy the May flowers that seems to take so long to come.


Hi, I'm Gwyn a entrepreneur, mom of 2 and a grandma of 2! I had been married for a long time to an abusive alcoholic, this left me feeling broken and forgetting who I really was. I started gwyns day 1 as a way for me to share the awesome way God can heal, restore and give a wonderful life full of purpose and joy. My greatest passion is my family but also helping others . With this blog I hope to share uplifting quotes and stories for a healthy mind body and soul life style, as well as fun with crafts and recipes. Here is my mantra and the whole reason for the name of this blog, what a great reminder that every day is a brand new day we can start fresh and do better. Day One Matthew West from the album Live Forever Buy on Amazon | iTunes

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