Posted in Uplifting


As soon as the temperature drops my sweet girl goes into a type of hibernation and if there’s any snow or rain forget even trying to go outside! For her first few years she decided that a lecture was worth it if it meant not having to go out to take care of her business. In fact, it was in one room in particular she favored to take care of her needs but now that she is older, she holds it to the point I start to watch her in case she slips back into her old ways.

This was how I thought it would be for her the other morning. I was lying in bed; I heard the sound of rain. I knew it had to be really coming down if I heard it. As we got out of bed Paddy began jumping around excided to get up and start the day, but I was thinking if only she knew what was waiting for her, she wouldn’t be so happy, poor thing. I knew how it would go but offered her the option of going out and as I figured she sniffed the air heard the rain and walked away from the door, sad and defeated. Needless to say, breakfast wasn’t eaten, and the long wait began, or so I thought.

Now, on this particular morning she didn’t do her normal I’ll wait under the blanket instead she paced around whining. I would open the door she’d go out but not past the covering of the porch, then bolt back in. This continued for a while, I was short of patience and grumbled at her to just buck up and go out.

After I grumbled, I felt bad. I understand she doesn’t like the cold or discomfort. In fact, I don’t blame her really but as I cuddled her and told her I was sorry I had a gentle nudge from God reminding me of how I act just like my sweet girl.

I will pace around become whinny and downright irritating to be around, instead of just doing the thing I need to do.

There are so many things I back away from now that I am older and have health challenges. Discomfort and I aren’t friends by any stretch of the imagination. I complain about the cold, where I live, the lack of this or that. I also back away from moving forward with some things even though the thing that needs done will in the end bring so much more joy and comfort. It’s the messy middle that I back away from and choose comfort rather than growth.

We all tend to do this, am I right?

Thankfully God knows this and gives grace to us whinny people. He doesn’t grumble, lose patience or just throw us out in the cold to just buck up and get our business done. No, instead he lovingly opens the door, takes us back as many times as is needed when we smell the rain and run back in.

Paddy did brave the rain and when she got done with what she needed to do I was there with a warm blanket and loving arms to comfort her. Just like God does for us when we finally get brave enough to take care of our business, he will welcome us with arms wide open and a warm blanket for comfort.

Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Psalm 86:15 But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.


Hi, I'm Gwyn a entrepreneur, mom of 2 and a grandma of 2! I had been married for a long time to an abusive alcoholic, this left me feeling broken and forgetting who I really was. I started gwyns day 1 as a way for me to share the awesome way God can heal, restore and give a wonderful life full of purpose and joy. My greatest passion is my family but also helping others . With this blog I hope to share uplifting quotes and stories for a healthy mind body and soul life style, as well as fun with crafts and recipes. Here is my mantra and the whole reason for the name of this blog, what a great reminder that every day is a brand new day we can start fresh and do better. Day One Matthew West from the album Live Forever Buy on Amazon | iTunes

One thought on “Comfort

  1. Yes comfort seems like a great place to be but we actually get antsy yet refusing to change/ grow. Paddy is a great example. Keep encouraging us 🙏

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