Posted in Uplifting

“You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important”

Last Friday I was in the mood for a heart-felt movie. Not really a romantic one but the kind that leaves you thinking or needing a box of Kleenex. As I looked at what was getting ready to come on I couldn’t believe my good fortune. I did a double take at the guide on my screen and pressed enter so I could watch “The Help”.

I only had a few minutes to get my pajamas on and a good snack. I flew around the house to get everything done so I could have a great Friday night at home nice and comfy. I had read the book and loved it but was hoping I wouldn’t be let down by the movie.

I was anything but let down, as I watched Aibileen ( the maid ) try to help the poor little toddler Mae Mobley  who is a hot mess and pushed aside by her mom. So in need of a kind gentle reminder that she mattered. Aibileen spoke such simple and to the point words of encouragement that she hoped would take root in her little heart. She said ” You is kind, You is Smart, You is important”.

I got a tear in my eye for all the Mae Mobley’s that are alive and need this reminder, myself included.

Sometimes I forget to see myself as kind, smart and important. I forget something so simple when I just get frustrated with myself. I really needed it put so simply to speak to my inner child that can be in need of a kind gentle reminder.

I wrote down that simple phrase on a card but didn’t stop there I went to my bathroom, grabbed my red lipstick I never wear but new it would come in handy and wrote it on my mirror as a reminder, Just in case I forget.



Hi, I'm Gwyn a entrepreneur, mom of 2 and a grandma of 2! I had been married for a long time to an abusive alcoholic, this left me feeling broken and forgetting who I really was. I started gwyns day 1 as a way for me to share the awesome way God can heal, restore and give a wonderful life full of purpose and joy. My greatest passion is my family but also helping others . With this blog I hope to share uplifting quotes and stories for a healthy mind body and soul life style, as well as fun with crafts and recipes. Here is my mantra and the whole reason for the name of this blog, what a great reminder that every day is a brand new day we can start fresh and do better. Day One Matthew West from the album Live Forever Buy on Amazon | iTunes

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